
World First Industry-Scale PPA

Clean Energy Strategies (CES) has the unique expertise of successfully structuring, marketing and implementing the first industry-scale aggregate PPA.

This is an emerging and new structure that has not previously been implemented on such a scale around the world.

The structure has significant potential as it enables consumer & industrial businesses to access the much cheaper renewable energy market.

CES/ AHA Joint Venture

CES has worked with the Australian Hotels Association (AHA) since 2017, to develop an innovative and cheaper long-term energy deal.

This culminated in the establishment of a joint venture between CES and the industry’s national body - the AHA – in 2019

Pubs are treated by energy retailers as individual businesses with small volumes, meaning their electricity prices are high They are required to renegotiate their electricity contracts regularly and therefore be exposed to the volatile electricity costs.

By aggregating their load, AHA Members were able to access the PPA market and negotiate a more competitive price for long-term electricity procurement while also supporting clean, renewable energy.

Lion joined the Offer as an anchor partner.